Every morning I wake up to the sound of my three year old son yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mommy, I need you! Mommy, I need you!” It’s quite frustrating to be jolted out of bed with instant demands of my time and energy. Despite this feeling, this situation also causes me to reflect on my own relationship with the Lord.
You see, my three year old son is incredibly dependent on me (too much so at times). That being said, at three years old, he is humble enough to ADMIT his need of me – need of me to help him get dressed in the morning, make him breakfast, comfort him when he cries, etc. And by admitting his daily need of me, my son’s needs are met, and this dependence also fosters a close relationship between us.
My question to myself is…how often do I realize and admit my own similar utter dependence on the Lord? Although I may not need God to get me dressed, make me breakfast, or take me to the bathroom, I need Him just as vitally, actually even more so.
God created me, died for me, AND sustains me each day. He provides for me physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, etc. Without Him, I would not be able to even take my first breath in the morning, as He sustains my heartbeat and breathing. Without Him, I would have no joy, hope, love, or peace. Without Him, my life would be meaningless and full of worry and despair.
Although intellectually I KNOW my need of God, how often do I ADMIT and RECOGNIZE my need of and utter dependence on God? And if I were to do this, perhaps even more of my needs would be met, and perhaps I would have an even more intimate relationship with Him.
I think it would be hugely beneficial if I took a lesson from my son, and if I were to START each day crying out to God, “Lord, I need you! Lord I need you!” And instead of getting annoyed with my cries, I know my loving Father would simply reply, “Yes, child, I’m right here.”