All Your Needs

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

What does this verse mean to you? Recently this verse has taken on a whole new meaning for me, as for the first time in my life I have really been claiming its power in my own life. Perhaps when we are most worried and dependent do we then trust God the most to meet our most pressing needs.

In reading through the last few verses of this chapter (Phil. 4:14-20), it is evident that Paul claimed this promise for the Philippians, in response to the gifts (likely monetary) that they had given to him and to his ministry. Although I’m unsure of the exact needs of the Philippians, I find it inspiring that they focused on giving rather than receiving. As a result of their generosity and trusting spirit, God promises here (through Paul) that He would supply their needs.

As with any promise in the Bible, it seems that this promise is contingent on our trust in God, as evidenced by our continued focus on and service to others, rather than focusing on ourselves.

Prior to having my second child, I was quite anxious about taking care of both a newborn and a toddler. During the last couple months of my pregnancy, I was inspired to claim this verse and to let go of the worry. Though I didn’t let go perfectly, I believe that God is now fulfilling this promise for me. Since having my baby, now all I can see is God’s provision and blessing. I am ashamed for the time that I spent worrying, as God has surpassed my wildest expectations, and I want to give Him all the praise and glory.

So how has He fulfilled this promise for me? He has fulfilled this promise for me in many ways, some of which I will list below:

  • During my pregnancy, He led me to read a book called “Newborn Promise” which encouraged me to write out and claim scripture (hence this Bible verse) as part of the preparation process.
  • He allowed me to have a challenging last three weeks of pregnancy, which has helped me to appreciate the newborn phase so much more than I would have otherwise. The challenging last three weeks of pregnancy also helped me to have a smooth labor and delivery.
  • He has helped me to have a smooth recovery period (both mentally and physically).
  • He has given me a good baby who eats and sleeps well.
  • He has given me a calm, helpful husband, which is exactly what I need during stressful times.
  • Even though I live in a new town, he has given me amazing support through long-distance close friends/family, as well as people here who love and care.
  • He purposefully has my husband on night shift right now so that He is home more during the day and more available to help.
  • He worked it out for my husband to take off some time from work to help me during this adjustment period.
  • He has given me such a loving family that has been able to come out and help me.
  • We are blessed to live four hours from my in-laws, and my mother-in-law is a big help.
  • He has provided for us financially so that I’m able to stay home with the kids.
  • He worked it out so that we met our out-of-pocket family costs for this fiscal year (my son had to have emergent surgery) so that our insurance will cover all of our labor and delivery costs.

As you can see, God has literally provided for ALL of my needs, including materially, physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. I do NOT say this to brag or to make anyone feel bad, but I say this to give Him praise for what He has done in my life.

Through this experience, something else I’ve realized is that we must CLAIM God’s promises and then LOOK for His fulfillment of those promises. It is a choice that we make each day whether or not to see God working in our lives. Similar to the way some people can see a sunset and deny God’s existence, we can also experience God’s blessings but yet neglect to give Him the credit or praise. It all depends on our focus.

In summary, if there’s anything I can impart to you today, it is 1) to not worry but to trust God in all things 2) to claim His promises as they apply to your life and exact situation and 3) to look for His fulfillment of those promises. Choose to take a second look and see His handiwork in the tapestry of your life.